[01]Usher-U Remind Me-*30首我最愛的西洋R&B歌曲
Usher-U Remind Me 歌詞 MV Usher介紹
關於第一首,一定要留給對我而言最重要的歌。在寫這個題目之前,我列出了一張約莫80首的歌單,但我連想都沒有想,就決定是這首Usher的【U Remind Me】。沒有其他原因【U Remind Me】真的可以說是改變了我的生命的一首歌。這是我第一次從CDplayer裡頭撥西洋歌,這是我第一次聽見Usher的聲音,這是我第一次知道,什麼叫做R&B。
Usher的嗓音性感綿軟又帶有力量,聽他的聲音真的很像是在午夜喝了一杯濃郁香甜的紅酒,令人回味萬分,你知道不能喝太多,會醉會暈會上癮,但是你就是無法抵抗他,讓你久久不能忘。這個特點在「U Remind Me」裡頭,被發揮得淋漓盡致。這首歌是在描述一段像是「déjà vu」的愛情回憶。男生遇到了一個女生,這個女生很好,但是男生卻無法與這個女生在一起。因為這個女生太像之前曾經狠狠傷害過自己的男生了,男生太過害怕,怕以前的事情又再次發生,或者說,怕自己始終無法忘了從前那個女生.....這首歌曲不快不慢,以中版的速度慵懶的節奏為開端,配合Usher的吟唱,多年以過,旋律卻始終在我耳邊久久不肯散去......
我沒記錯的話大約是國中的時候,(那時候還是用CDplayer無誤),有一個同學拿給我Usher的【8701】專輯。我忘記開頭是什麼了,(但怎麼好像是"如果你喜歡聽周杰倫你就會喜歡聽這個",好啦開頭是什麼不重要),然後我回家後放進我藍色的Sony CDplayer開始撥,當Intro過後,U Remind Me的第一下重拍響起,我真的整個人的雞皮疙瘩都起來了,當時的感覺跟畫面我到今天都沒有辦法忘記,更別提副歌那一段段美妙和諧,如絲般熟順又充滿力量的合音!
Usher, I love you!!
Usher-U remind me -8701
U Remind Me - lyric 歌詞
Yo, I ain't seeing you in a minute, but I got something to tell ya, listen.
See the thing about you, that caught my eye,
Is the same thing that makes me change, my mind.
Kinda hard to explain, but girl, I'll try.
You need to sit down, this may take a while.
You see, she sorta looks, just like you.
She even smiles, just the way you do.
So innocent, she seemed, but I was schooled
I'm reminded when I look at you, but,
You remind of a girl, that I once knew.
See her face whenever I, I look at you.
You won't believe all of the things that she put me through.
This is why I just can't get with you.
Thought that she was the one for me,
Til I found out she was on her dream,
Oh, she was sexing everyone, but me.
This is why we could never be.
You remind of a girl, that I once knew.
See her face whenever I, I look at you.
You won't believe all of the things that she put me through.
This is why I just can't get with you.
I know it's so unfair to you,
But I'd be lingering the rest to you,
Wish I knew, wish I knew how to separate the two
You remind me, whoa...
You remind of a girl, that I once knew.
See her face whenever I, I look at you.
You won't believe all of the things that she put me through.
This is why I just can't get with you.
You remind of a girl, that I once knew.
See her face whenever I, I look at you.
You won't believe all of the things that she put me through.
This is why I just can't get with you.
1. Intro-lude 8701
2. U Remind Me (LP Version)
3. I Don't Know
4. Twork It Out
5. U Got It Bad
6. If I Want To
7. I Can't Let U Go
8. U Don't Have To Call
9. Without U (Interlude)
10. Can U Help Me
11. How Do I Say
12. Hottest Thing
13. Good Ol' Ghetto
14. U-Turn
15. U R The One