
目前分類:屏東小琉球 (2)

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想體驗屏東與小琉球的水上活動&美食,但卻又擔心暑假遊客眾多買票麻煩?或者是心動想出發,卻不知行程該如何規劃?但又不想跟團被限制?在這邊介紹「大鵬灣電子旅遊套票」有多項套裝行程可以讓你選擇、有水上活動套票、美食小旅行、玩樂小琉球等,套裝行程的價格都有超低優惠,而且套票全程數位化,在購買後前往,只要和店家出示QR code就可以進行體驗,不需再額外付費,也可以因此省去許多時間。

這篇文章裡面,傑米鹿介紹的重點,將會是【玩樂大鵬灣《易速達電動機車+風浪板體驗》】、【《7-8月暑假限定促銷》東港小琉球來回船票 + 電動機車】、【小琉球深度玩<岸際獨木舟+海龜共游潛水>】以及小琉球上的卡丁車,一起來變身成為水上男孩吧!


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You can get away from the city, leave the worries behind, see the sea turtles and take selfies with the clownfish. Let’s get my diving dream started! Had a summer trip to Pingtung Dapeng Bay,Little Liuqiu this time, luckily, I saw some sea turtles and clownfish in their net, swam in the colorful ocean under the sea without going abroad.

It was my very first time to do the sailing boat and windsurfing, I needed to use the muscle from my whole body, followed the flow of the wave and try to combine myself with the windsurfing, then I can go like a fish on the sea. This was not just like a game or sport, it’s more like the experience the nature flow of the ocean and controlling the body. I had the sense of achievement that moment when my sailing board went forward (even though just for one second).

Would you like to do some water activities and eat some good food in Pingtung and Little Liuqiu, but worry about buying tickets in the peak season? Don’t know how to plan the trip? Do not want to travel with a group? Let me introduce you “Dapeng Bay E-Travel Tour Package” There are many choices for different package deal, such as water activities, delicious food tour, fun Little Liuqiu...etc. They offer the best deal and digitized the tickets, only need to show the QR code to the store after you purchase it, no extra charge and save time for lining up.

The point of this article will talk about “Fun Dapeng Bay <Isuda eletric schooter+ windsurfing>”, ”< Jul.-Aug. Summer Limited Sale> Donggong and Little Liuqiu round trip boat tickets + electric scooter rental”, “ Depth tour in Little Liuqiu <Shoreline Kayak+ swim with sea turtles>” and Go-Kart on Little Liuqiu. Let’s become a water boy and have fun in Dapeng Bay!



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