Delphic Live in Taipei (曖昧樂團台北演唱會)  


Delphic (曖昧樂團)即將於4/22於Legacy Taipei舉辦首次的來台演唱會。Delphic是一個來自搖滾之都市Manchester卻玩起電子舞曲的樂團。2010年推出的首張專輯《Acolyte》,為他們博得了「21世紀的New Order」支撐,還一舉獲得BBC Sound of 2010第三位的優異評價。相隔三年,第二張專輯《Collections》則選擇自我在突破,往Hip Hop Electronica、R&B等類型音樂取經。形成了一個全新品種的英式靈騷氣息。





Legacy Taipei 傳 音樂展演空間
2013/04/22(一) 開放入場 19:00 演出開始 20:00 
票價:預售 Advance-1400元 / 現場At Door-1700元 / 身障票種700(僅限年代傳真購票)




1. 你們都是來自一個搖滾城市Manchester,這個城市帶給了你們什麼樣的影響?

Answer: The main thing it does is to instil a level of ambition inside us. When you look at the careers and songwriting of some of the individuals from this city you cant help but want the same level of success.


2. 在Manchester卻不是做搖滾音樂,這是一種對於城市的叛逆或反抗嗎?

Answer : We're definitely not trying to piss the people of Manchester off ! We do wanna carve out our own niche though, we want to be remembered for what delphic sound like rather than sounding like someone else.



3. 以前曾經到過台北嗎?對台灣樂迷有什麼樣的印象?

Answer : Answer This is our very first trip to Taiwan, and we're so excited to be visiting and playing. We haven't met any Taiwanese fans yet, but we'd love to meet some, so come and say HI !






4. 有沒有喜歡的台灣音樂?如果沒有的話,是否有喜歡的亞洲音樂?

Answer: I'm sad to say that i dont know of any Taiwanese bands, but what i do know is that you're all scarily good on your instruments! We heard there were a lot of metal bands in Taiwan? We'll wear our Iron Maiden T-shirts.. As for other artists, I think Lang Lang (although he's probably more based in the US now) is a real inspiration for musicians, but we've also played on the same bill as Mono & B'z who were pretty cool and last year we did a remix for Boom Boom Satellites.

我必須很遺憾的說,我們並不知道任何來自臺灣的樂團 ,但是我知道你們玩樂器玩的很屌。我們聽說台灣有很多重金屬樂團,所以我們會穿上Iron Maiden (英國知名重金屬樂團)的t-shirt 來的。而關於亞洲音樂呢,我覺得朗朗是一個為大家帶來很多啟發與靈感的音樂家。此外,我們曾經和Mono & B'z共同合作過,去年我們一起偽 Boom Boom Satellites了一個remix。


5. 當你們在演出的時候台下的觀眾通常是什麼情況?會瘋狂的跳舞嗎?你們希望你們的音樂可以讓觀眾瘋狂的跳舞嗎?

Answer: YES, DANCE DANCE DANCE. that is the only instruction at a delphic gig.

當然!DANCE DANCE DANCE,跳就對了!這是我們對你們唯一的指令!




Legacy Taipei 傳 音樂展演空間
2013/04/22(一) 開放入場 19:00 演出開始 20:00
票價:預售 Advance-1400元 / 現場At Door-1700元 / 身障票種700(僅限年代傳真購票)





6. CN:最難忘的表演是哪一場?為什麼?

Answer: Festival gigs are the hardest to forget because of the anxiety and excitement that surrounds them. Playing at Summersonic 2009 in Japan was very special because it was the first time we had played to such a big audience, and likewise Glastonbury 2010 & Splendour In The Grass (Australia) 2010 were big highlights because people knew our songs and they were riding on each others shoulders singing them back to us.

在音樂祭裡頭瘋狂的觀眾是最難忘的,因為興奮和焦躁總是包圍著他們。 在2009年於日本的Summersonic音樂祭,是一個讓我們非常難忘的經驗,因為這是我們第一次面對如此龐大的群眾做表演。其他類似的經驗還有在Glastonbury 2010 & Splendour In The Grass (Australia) 2010 中,因為這兩場的觀眾很熟悉我們的歌,他們大家一邊搭著彼此的肩膀,一邊把我們的歌很大聲的唱回來給我們聽!我們非常的開心、難忘。


7. CN:能不能談一下新專輯"Collections"的概念?

Answer: Collections is the album that helped us rejuvenate our love for making music. We wanted to make an album that nodded to all of our influences and didn't need to bow to the constraints or trends of making a record in 2013. Carving our own niche and pleasing our own ears are the top priorities for us.




8. CN:為什麼會想在新專輯中,放入比較多R&B的元素?(這題的回答很屌

Answer : When you've spent most of your life living in a country with such a large Indie / Rock output and you're exposed to it all day long on radio and alternative online sites, you get bored. As you grow and learn you realise what different genres can bring to songwriting. Sampling, groove and the harmony of R&B, HipHop or Jazz offers a soulfulness all too lacking in Indie/Rock.

當你花了你人生大多數的時間,去生活在一個這樣到處充斥著獨立音樂與搖滾的國家(英國),你真的會很容易覺得無聊,不管你是聽電台還是從網站上面聽音樂都好,真的會覺得很無聊。當你長大,並且學習到用怎麼樣不同的音樂流派,為你的寫歌帶來不同改變的時候,你就會去使用他們了,好比說那些R&B的韻律,和弦,或者是HipHop or Jazz提供的 soulfulness(靈魂感!?)那些都是搖滾或獨立音樂所匱乏的。



9. CN:有人說你們是`New Order for the 21st century’ ,你們怎麼看?如何說明自己的音樂風格?

我們是21世紀的Delphic我們本身就是一種"new order"。

10. CN:對你們來說,在現場演出與在錄音室裡做專輯之間,最大的不同是什麼?

The studio is always a creative place for us, and i think thats the main difference.. when you are performing and touring you have to adopt the mind set of delivering the songs in the best way to people who have paid good honest money to come and see you - these fans are the ones we owe it all to. The studio is normally for us a hard (and long) process of putting all of our ideas into an album and finding the best, most exciting way to present that




11. CN:有什麼話想對台灣的樂迷朋友說的嗎?

Answer: Absolutely! We'd like to say : This is our first time in Taiwan. We want you to dance and sing (if you know the words) and we want you to remove any nerves you might have to come and say hello if you see us before the show / after the show - we'd love to meet you. See you soon.





Legacy Taipei 傳 音樂展演空間
2013/04/22(一) 開放入場 19:00 演出開始 20:00 
票價:預售 Advance-1400元 / 現場At Door-1700元 / 身障票種700(僅限年代傳真購票)







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